That turned out to be a fine drive, ascending from about 900 feet, where the valley is studded with oaks ultimately to over 4,000 feet, in mixed conifer and hardwood forest opening out onto dry Los Padres Mountains vistas, steep and angular mountainsides covered with grey salvias, yuccas, and rock, the south-facing sides, when there's water enough, blooming with poppies, lupins (blue, yellow, and white), wallflowers, Indian paintbrush, goldfields, tidytips and God alone knows what besides.
We saw perhaps four other vehicles on the dozen miles up to the peak on Figueroa Mountain Road, and fewer yet on the dozen miles back down, on Happy Canyon Road, closing the loop. At one point on the way down the road fords a cross-stream, and the view up and down, into groves of cottonwood, alder, and sycamore, reveals the source of the name: this must have been a happy canyon indeed, back when one traveled on foot, or horseback at best. Figueroa Mountain photos |
